Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Point of View

Started chapter 8; 14,053

Writing tip: POV is Point of View. This means that everything in the scene is presented by the POV character and anything the POV C cannot see or experience cannot be used. If another character is hidden, perhaps eavesdropping on the conversation, the POV C does not point him out. Unless, of course, he discovers him.
Here is a POV adjustment in editing today's work.
He reached to open the lid and laughed again when Efficinderpart peered over the tumanhofer's shoulder while the goat tried to push between him and the box.

He reached to open the lid and laughed again when Efficinderpart peered over his shoulder while the goat tried to push between him and the box.

Bealomondore (the "he" in this sentence and also the POV C) would not think about his shoulder as the tumanhofer's shoulder. He would think of it as his shoulder.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Action Tags

finished Ch. 7; 12,875 word count

Writing Tip: We use action tags to give rhythm to dialogue. The tags can slow the rhythm or speed it up. In the original writing, I used asked and said, which are almost invisible to the reader. The brain registers the word and the meaning, but doesn't conjure up an image like another word, say, "hollyhocks." (he said, she said, he asked, she asked are called dialog tags or attributions)

Effie asked, “Is it safe?”
“Yes, they’ve gone for noonmeal," said Bealomondore. "Hand me the goat."

But when the author wants the reader to visualize, some cues are needed. These cues or action tags also help creat the pace and rhythm. The best way to catch this and pinpoint a need is to read aloud. I read everything aloud or have it read to me.

Revised lines: Effie grabbed his coat sleeve. “Is it safe?”
“Yes, they’ve gone for noonmeal.” He went over the edge and disappeared. She heard a thud and this his voice. “Hand me the goat.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Started to . . . Really?

Finished Chapter 6; 11,284 word count

Writing Tip: This time the answer is "Yes. Really."

“Let’s go.” Bealomondore started to climb out of the drawer.
Effie grabbed his coat sleeve. “Is it safe?”

Started to and began to should only be used when the action will be disrupted.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Emote, Not You, But Your Character

Finished Chapter 5; 10,335 word count

Writing tip: I editing this chapter I had to tackle pacing. In two places I hurried: the intro and the concluding paragraphs. In the opening, I went back and tapped into Effie's emotions to satisfy the reader's need to identify with what is going on. And lo and behold, the problem at the end was also skimming over my main character's reaction her plight. Remember emotion!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Alas, Alack, Summer is Too Full and Too Short

Finished chapter 5: 9,405 word count

Now I have to get cracking. It is the middle of June. How'd that happen?

Writing Tip: Don't procrastinate. Don't visit a relative for a month. Don't get vertigo (This is a truely nauseating affliction.). Don't play or have fun in the sun.

Another Tip: I almost ended this chapter with my heroine making herself comfortable and going to sleep. Then I remembered authors should never end a chapter with everyone asleep unless there is a monster around to possibly disturb them and the reader knows this. So I made it morning and allowed her to wake up and get ready for the adventure ahead.
The reason we do this is so the reader, who is reading in bed, will not feel contented, turn out the light, and got to sleep too.
So now you know. Author deliberately try to keep their readers up unti the wee, small hours of the morning.