Monday, November 9, 2009

Oh dear, Oh dear

I am chagrined. I've been going over the first 29 chapters and beefing up the tension. I beg your pardon for not posting and not writing anything fresh. Sigh. I knew this blog would be good for me. Thanks to those of you who have been encouraging me.


  1. You can do it, Mrs. Paul! We believe in you. :)

  2. It's good to know I'm not the only one neglecting my blog for writing.

  3. We know you are busy! Keep at it. We are patient. ;) Sort of. lol

    Praying for you!

  4. Keep going! I'm looking forward to reading the book.

    P.S. Apology accepted

  5. I tend to be concentrating om my blog lately, and doing a bit less writing on my current project than usual.

    I'll have to flip that around in the next week or two. I hope to get the first draft finished by end of year.

    My blog is at
