Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Point of View

Started chapter 8; 14,053

Writing tip: POV is Point of View. This means that everything in the scene is presented by the POV character and anything the POV C cannot see or experience cannot be used. If another character is hidden, perhaps eavesdropping on the conversation, the POV C does not point him out. Unless, of course, he discovers him.
Here is a POV adjustment in editing today's work.
He reached to open the lid and laughed again when Efficinderpart peered over the tumanhofer's shoulder while the goat tried to push between him and the box.

He reached to open the lid and laughed again when Efficinderpart peered over his shoulder while the goat tried to push between him and the box.

Bealomondore (the "he" in this sentence and also the POV C) would not think about his shoulder as the tumanhofer's shoulder. He would think of it as his shoulder.

1 comment:

  1. Good post, and good point. I've caught myself doing that several times... it's always a wise idea to look out for spots like that.
