Sunday, December 6, 2009


Finished Chapter 33; 58,240 word count

On Thursday I found out that DragonLight has won the new Clive Staples Award. Pretty cool, eh? Made me feel extra guilty about being stuck in the doldrums and not writing.
You know, God is so good to me. He is faithful, even when I am not.

Writing Tip: A villain has been captured and Paladin is questioning him. Well, the reader would not want to hear all this information that has been explained in chapters before. So a third party, Bealomondore, is watching the interrogation, and I wrote about what he is thinking and only summarize a bit of what the reader already knows. Ta-duh. No boring the reader. It is very, very bad to bore the reader.


  1. Congrats on your award! I am so glad for you!

    That writing tip is very clever. It makes complete sense. And, on top of that, now I cannot wait to read the scene!!!

  2. So happy for you about the Clive Staples award. I LOVED DragonLight. Well, the whole series, of course! Congratulations!

    And I'm really enjoying this blog--it can be the little tips that make the biggest difference in our writing.

  3. Good for you!
    Can't wait to read it!

  4. exciting! i voted for you for that award :)

  5. Yea! I was hoping you'd win!

