Monday, January 25, 2010


Writing Tip: Sometimes "the" is not needed.
I'm not really done for today so I am not going to list chapter and word count. But a reader note brought my attention to this passage, and I saw another edit. In the end, my editor has to take the manuscript away from me, or I would tweak forever.

In this sentence:

Tipper gasped as the pain shot from her foot, up her shin, and beyond her knee.

we can take out the "the."
And have:
Tipper gasped as pain shot from her foot, up her shin, and beyond her knee.

I like the second version a lot better.


  1. I like it better, too. It seems much more... erm, seamless.

  2. I think the second one is better too. The words just "flow".

  3. It's amazing what a difference one word can make.

    Word Verification: amulatte = the coffee you wear around your neck like an amulette?

  4. Especially if 'the' begins a sentance
    The cold made her shiver
    Cold made her shiver.
