Sunday, February 21, 2010

Now What?

When you are first writing to get published, the answer to this question is to send the manuscript off to likely publishers, then dive into your next project.

Fortunately, my next projects are lined up for me. I am doing an edit on Two Tickets to the Christmas Ball which is due to come out Oct. 10th. I suppose I should write about this process. There are many times when writing tips should come up naturally.


  1. Cool that you're doing two books this year! So what is this new book about?

  2. Tell us how you got your first book accepted. That would be a helpful and interesting story for us wannabees.

  3. May I ask what the "Two Tickets" is about? Sounds neat!

  4. Two tickets is a short book, about half the size of one the Chronicles. It is a contemporary romance with a fantasy twist. Basically it's about some matchmaking wizards who throw a ball each year to help a man and a woman find the love of their life. God's put them in a situation to meet, but they stumble around and miss the opportunity. The wizards give them a nudge.
